Trello — your virtual board

Davide Cariola
3 min readSep 3, 2021

Who, like me, has difficulty memorizing everything there is to do and / or to remember, knows how useful can be having a space where to note everything down: in these cases, having a blackboard is a godsend.

The most used tool, probably still today, is the classic magnetic whiteboard, but the world is full of similar examples: think of the post-its created in the 1980s by Spencer Silver, or the more modern widgets and apps.

In the IT world, especially in those teams that use Agile or Kanban methodologies, the whiteboard + post-it combo is not just a convenience, but a best practice.

The blackboard is usually divided into three parts: to do, doing and done. This allows the whole team to easily synchronize on everything that needs to be done and that has been done, being always updated on the progress of the various projects.

However, technology is constantly advancing and, with the advent of remote work, several programmers have done their utmost to make this practice usable even for those who do not have the possibility of being physically in the room with the proverbial blackboard: this is how in 2011 Trello is born.

On Trello, users can create timesheets with multiple columns and swap tasks between them. Being free and highly customizable, it has a huge variety of uses, such as real estate management, software project management, school bulletins, lesson planning, accounting, web design, games and legal case management.

Here you can see an example of virtual blackboard used by my team during a project for the Aulab coding bootcamp.

On each column you can add more cards, to which you can give a title, enter a description and a checklist that can be changed freely. The cards then, during the continuation of the project, can be moved from one column to another. Everything is also entered in a log, so that nothing is ever lost.

The work flow becomes clear and easy to use, as if you really had a blackboard full of post-its in front of you.

The software then gives us other features, such as inserting a deadline and the ability to even set a reminder a few days before; it is also usable on mobile, allowing you to stay up to date on your work anywhere (but also take some days off, you know! Working 24/7 does not make you more productive or a better programmer!).

In conclusion, Trello is software that can be used in practically any business but also in private life, especially if you have difficulty remembering what you have to do, anniversaries, deadlines and so on. The thing that makes it even more complete is a disarming ease of use, especially for what are the possibilities offered.



Davide Cariola

Backend and Laravel Specialist @ Aulab | Scrum Fundamentals Certified™ — follow me at